Be water-wise and still have a beautiful garden.

The Whole is greater than the sum of its parts

We provide the complete range of services from initial design through construction to continuing landscape maintenance and development. Our collective experience in each project phase informs subsequent phases and future projects.
We are a plant savvy company, and believe in the value and beauty that plants bring to projects. Young gardens can be vibrant and colorful, attracting birds and butterflies, providing seasons of astonishment and surprise as plants burst into color and flower. Planted landscapes are not static, they improve over time. Mature landscapes provide enclosure, shade, privacy. Mature landscapes develop a grace and character that is priceless.Proper maintenance and continued refinement is a necessary to realize the full potential of a planted landscape. Our team provides the skilled horticultural services that differentiate landscape maintenance from landscape development. As landscapes mature plants need to be pruned, and occasionally replaced. Our maintenance team feeds their experience back into the design and construction process. We have worked in the San Diego area for more than ten years. Long enough to know how plants perform over time, long enough to understand the how differing growth rates of plants factor into successful design, long enough to have winnowed the broad palette of what is new and exciting down to those plants that are worthy.

Obviously a successful landscape is comprised of more than plants. Stay tuned for future posts on the variety of useable surfaces and hardscape we like to work with. You can also check out our video on our approach for achieving  beautiful sand finish concrete here:


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