Be water-wise and still have a beautiful garden.

Archive for February, 2010

Great Grasses

I recently saw ornamental grass guru John Greenlee speak at the San Diego Horticultural Society, and it reminded me of how much I like the grasses. We’re always drawing ideas and inspriation from nature and it’s hard to imagine a natural ecosystem that doesn’t have grasses as part of the flora. It follows that I […]

Heavy lifting just couldn’t budge-it

Could there possibly be a more romantic word in the English language? Wine, candles… budget. For most of us it’s right up there with sorting out the recycling. In fact I’m guessing that half the readers saw the subject line and scrolled right on to something else. But for you, die hard reader I will […]

Prior proper planning…

One of the words I seem to hear a lot these days is meta, defined as “something that refers to itself especially in a self parodying manner” For example, “I’m a landscape designer writing about designing my own garden… so meta” intoned with a smirk and an ironic tilt of the head. I caught myself […]