Be water-wise and still have a beautiful garden.

Archive for the ‘All Posts’ Category


Yes, I know it’s already February, but it’s not 2011 yet and resolutions are still percolating. One of my resolutions is to post more frequently. I hope to entertain and edify those who keep up. I realize some folks may not appreciate the increased volume of electronic traffic, but so far the postings have been […]


IT’S RAINING! There is nothing quite so exciting in this state of Mediterranean extremes. I literally cannot remember the last time it rained (if you exclude the four giant raindrops that fell out of a thundercloud drifting over Leucadia two weeks ago).

Plants I like: Dioon (Dioon spinulosum)

The Cycads are a quirky group of plants. I’m always excited by their patterns of seasonal growth. They seem to sit in the garden unchanged through the year until conditions support a flush, and then everything seems to happen very rapidly. The caudex tip starts to swell and the beginnings of very hairy new leaves […]

Irrigate efficiently and save water

Keep in mind the following statements as we work to make efficient use of our limited water resources. 1. It’s better to water deeply and infrequently than frequently and shallowly. 2. Runoff and waste are undesirable (obviously!). It would seem that these two principles are at odds with one another, but if you have a […]


I’m visitng my brother in Connecticut and have admired the massive spreads of perfectly green lawns surrounding the homes in this neighborhood. Nearly every home has a lawn, but in marked contrast to California not a single one has an irrigation system. Lawns are so much happier in climates where it rains.

The Torrey Pine

Last night  I swore I heard a steady dripping, like a faucet, or a child throwing pebbles on the roof. I got up while the room was dark even though it felt late enough to be light.  Checking the clock I uttered  a special curse for our elected legislative officials who have decided that it […]

Garden Style

Sunny southern California; beaches, palm trees, where all late model cars are perfectly shiny, it never rains or snows, they don’t get dirty. The population is tanned and muscular. Image is important, the car you drive, the place you live, the way your body looks. People spend tens of thousands of dollars on image. Women […]


Extreme measures came to mind, and yet my ecological conscience overcame my “forward leaning” gopher policy. My inner superpower wanted to nuke the whole coastal bed complex, but cooler heads prevailed.

Gardens are good

You might think designing a garden is as easy as going to your local nursery, picking out some pretty flowers and planting them. There’s quite a bit more to it than that if you’re interested in a garden that provides views, protects privacy, has year round interest, is low maintenance, attracts butterflies and hummingbirds and […]